I took a little break for a while, as we've been trying to clear our house of whatever bug keeps coming around. The little ones have been passing each other a cold/cough combo since February! It came back this week but doesn't seem to be as bad. With the weather getting nicer, I hope it'll stay away for good.
I decided to do a major freezer meal prep last week so we'd have some ready made breakfast, lunch and dinner items on hand. I was doing a lot of crock pot meals but thought we needed to switch it up a little and try some new recipes. I wanted them to incorporate less processed ingredients than normal, and more fresh produce. I decided on prepping a lot of wraps and sandwiches so we'd have items to quickly throw on our George Foreman grill. Breakfast burritos are a must whenever I do a freezer meal prep, so I bought extra for those. Below is the result of 2 days worth of prep, I had to break it up because I didn't have anyone to watch the kids.
I'm notorious for not really following a recipe or kinda making one up as I go, but I will link recipes below where I can. I'll try to do another post this week with ingredients for some of the wraps/sandwiches.
2 baked ziti (http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2011/08/baked-ziti-freezer-meal.html) I sometimes don't use the sour cream, sometimes I sub it for Greek yogurt, but it always turns out delicious. I also add a package or frozen spinach to the sauce after thawing and draining it.
2 batches sweet potato, cauliflower soup (http://iwillrunforfood.tumblr.com/post/14179170517/sweet-potato-cauliflower-soup) I added extra garlic, salt and pepper to this recipe.3 batches chili
2 batches pesto tortellini
3 turkey meatloaves
2 batches lasagna roll ups (http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/02/spinach-lasagna-rolls.html) I break my noodles in half before cooking them to stretch the recipe further. They are definitely still filling this way.
1 batch eggplant roll up I used the filling from the lasagna roll ups above for this one. For both of them, I placed them close together on wax paper and placed them in the freezer to firm them up before trying to place them in the gallon Ziploc bag.
10 smoothie pouches
25 breakfast burritos
9 chicken fajita wraps
9 turkey cranberry wraps
9 Mediterranean style wraps
10 Chicken pesto sandwiches